Spring Workshop

Saturday 4 May 2024

10am - 1:30pm

Gather for this seasonal workshop at the peak of Spring.

We'll venture into the forest for Natural Movement, Forest Bathing and Breath-work.

Picture yourself on the forest floor, gazing up to the canopy and then crawling in amongst the trees. All fun and wonderful practices to help align you with Great Nature and connect you to your own nature.

The start of May is well known for the festivity of May Day, which is marked with poles, ribbons and dancing: all as symbols of fertility stemming from the sabbat of Beltane in the Wheel of the Year.

A celebration of potency, vibrancy and life. Who doesn’t feel a little joyful in the midst of Spring? With life popping up everywhere: flowers blooming, animals mating and brighter days. Not to mention bbqs, garden parties and time outside feeling so much more inviting.

We'll spend the morning together looking at what this time of years offers us.

If the conditions are suitable there’s also the option to take a dip in cold water. The perfect counter to the traditional Beltane fire.

There will be hot drinks and a light brunch with plenty of opportunity to chat and share ideas.

What’s Involved?

Natural Movement

Forest Bathing

Breath work

Ceremonial Cacao

Light Brunch

Optional cold water dip (unguided & at your discretion)
